Reasonable Selection of Backfire Prevention Measures in Vent and Flare Stack System
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- 引用格式:
.Reasonable Selection of Backfire Prevention Measures in Vent and Flare Stack System[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2013,31(3):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 王艳玲1 王 非1 张凤波2
- 作者单位:
- 1.中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司西南分公司,2.中国石油塔里木油田公司
- 关键词:
- 防回火;分子封;动密封;吹扫气;造价控制
Backfire prevention; Molecular sealing; Dynamic seal; Purge gas; Cost control
- 摘要:
- 火炬放空系统是保证工厂各装置开、停工和正常生产的公用工程之一,防止系统回火设施的正确选择和设计,是保证系统安全的重要措施。隔离、阻火设施选择和设计不当,会造成人员伤亡和装置相关设备的严重损坏。火炬放空系统防回火措施的选择关系到安全、设计和生产成本。对于EPC工程,既要满足业主低成本运行的要求,也要顾及承包单位的利益。设计上需要精益求精,合理选择放空系统的阻火措施。在安全的前提下,落实国家节能减排的要求,并兼顾各方需求。介绍了可供选择的阻火设施,给出工程中防回火措施选择的实际案例,为火炬及放空系统的防回火措施的合理选择提供参考。
Vent and flare stack system is a part of utilities for assuring that all units in a gas treatment plant start, shut down and operate properly and correct selection and design of system backfire prevention device is the most important link for assuring that the whole plant operates safely. Improper selection and design of backfire isolation and prevention device will cause loss of life and personal injury and serious equipment damage. In selection and design of such device, it is necessary to consider such issues as safety, design and production costs. In selection and design of backfire prevention devices of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) projects, operation costs of Owners and benefit of Contractors shall be considered at the same time. Introduced are some optional backfire prevention devices,described are actual cases of its selection and design, which will provide valuable reference for similar projects in the future.