Study on High-temperature Delayed Cross-linked Acid
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- 引用格式:
Song Qi, Wang Yanling ,Wang Zhiming. Yang Lei, Wang Jianhua, Xu Tao.Study on High-temperature Delayed Cross-linked Acid[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2015,33(3):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 宋奇1 王彦玲2 王志明1 杨蕾1 王建华1 许涛1
Song Qi, Wang Yanling ,Wang Zhiming. Yang Lei, Wang Jianhua, Xu Tao
- 作者单位:
- 1.江苏油田石油工程技术研究院,2.中国石油大学(华东)石油工程学院
1.Jiangsu Oilfield Petroleum Engineering Institute of Technology; 2;Petroleum Engineering College of China University of Petroleum (East China)
- 关键词:
- 有机锆交联剂;制备;延缓交联;耐温耐剪切
Organic zirconium crosslinker; Preparation; Delayed crosslinking; Temperature-tolerate and shear-tolerate properties
- 摘要:
- 以氧氯化锆、乳酸及木糖醇等原料制备了一种延缓交联的交联剂——有机锆交联剂ECA1,将有机锆交联剂ECA1加入到稠化剂ECA180配制的稠化酸中得到一种高温延迟交联型交联酸,考察了交联剂反应条件、交联剂和稠化剂浓度对交联酸性能的影响,评价了交联酸的高温流变性能。实验发现,当物料配比为氧氯化锆∶乳酸∶木糖醇=1∶125∶0020 8(质量比),反应温度为50~55 ℃,反应时间为4 h时交联酸具有较好的耐温抗剪切性能,调节交联剂和稠化剂加量可改变酸液的延缓交联时间。
A delayed cross-linking agent, that is, the organic zirconium cross-linking agent ECA-1, is developed by using zirconium oxychloride, citric acid, lactic acid and so on as raw materials and a high temperature delayed cross-linked acid is generated from adding the cross-linking agent ECA-1 to thickening acid EVA-180. Analyzed are the reaction conditions of the cross-linking agent and effect of concentrations of the cross-linker and thickening agent on cross-linked acid performance and evaluated is the high temperature rheological property. The results show that the obtained cross-linked acid has good temperature-tolerate and shear-tolerate properties when the ratio of such raw materials as zirconium oxychloride, lactic acid and xylitol is 1: 1.25:0.0208 (mass ratio), reaction temperature is 50-55 ℃ and reaction time is 4 hours, and the delayed crosslinking time of acid system can be adjusted by changing dosage of the cross-linker and thickening agent.