Wellhead Safety Control System of Wen 96 Gas Storage for Injection-Production Wells
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- 引用格式:
Yao Shizhe, Shen Yunpeng, Ding Yatao, Pang Feng.Wellhead Safety Control System of Wen 96 Gas Storage for Injection-Production Wells[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2018,36(3):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 腰世哲1 丁亚涛2 申云鹏2 刘佳佳1
Yao Shizhe1, Shen Yunpeng2, Ding Yatao2, Pang Feng1
- 作者单位:
- 1. 中国石油化工股份有限公司天然气榆济管道分公司,2. 廊坊开发区中油龙慧自动化工程有限公司
1.Yuji Pipe Branch of Gas Company, Sinopec, Puyang, Henan, 457001, China 2. Longhui Automation Engineering Co., Ltd
- 关键词:
- 地下储气库;注采井;逻辑;远程控制终端;液压控制系统
Underground gas storage; Injection-production well; Logic; Remote control terminal; Hydraulic control system
- 摘要:
- 保证地下储气库长期安全运行的关键之一是注采井的可靠运行,井口安全控制系统是气井安全生产的重要保障。储气库注采井运行过程中须承受强注、强采的工况,因而对井口安全控制系统提出了更高的要求。针对地下储气库运行特点,基于井口安全控制整体理念,从远程控制终端、井场ESD系统及井口液压控制系统等方面开展了详细研究,设计形成一套具备远程紧急关井、低压自动关井、火灾关井等多项功能的注采井井口安全控制系统。现场实践证明,文96储气库注采井井口安全控制系统具有性能稳定可靠、操作方便等特点,保障了文96地下储气库14口注采井安全平稳运行。研究结果可为油田高压气井在用井口安全控制系统优化改造、后续地下储气库注采井井口安全控制系统设计及设备选型提供参考。
The reliable operation of injection-production wells is one of the key elements for the safety of the underground gas storage (UGS). It is necessary to use the safety control system of wellhead for the security production. Influenced by intensive injection and production, a higher requirement is proposed for wellhead safety control system. Focused on the characteristics of UGS and the overall concept of security control, which includes the remote control terminal, the ESD system in the well site and hydraulic control system in the wellhead, this paper designed a system safety control system with such functions as remote emergency shut-in, low-pressure automatic shut-in and fire shut-in. The site practice has proved it to be reliable and easy to be operated, which could provide safe and smooth operation for the 14 injection-production wells in the UGS of Wen 96.