Experimental Test and Simulation Calculation of Natural Gas Solid Phase Precipitation at Low Temperature Conditions
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- 引用格式:
Zhang Liming, Wang Xiaoqiang, Yang Shiyan?,Tumeng Gele,? Yan Xue.Experimental Test and Simulation Calculation of Natural Gas Solid Phase Precipitation at Low Temperature Conditions[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2018,36(3):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 张利明1 王小强1 杨诗妍1 图孟格勒1 颜 雪2
Zhang Liming1, Wang Xiaoqiang1, Yang Shiyan1?,Tumeng Gele1,? Yan Xue2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 中国石油塔里木油田公司质量检测中心,2. 中国石油塔里木油田公司库车油气开发部
1. Quality Inspection Center of PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Korla, Xinjiang, 841000, China;2. Kuche Oil and Gas Development Department of PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company
- 关键词:
- 天然气;低温;固相;相平衡;实验
Natural gas; Low temperature; Solid phase; Phase equilibrium; Experiment
- 摘要:
- 随着天然气勘探开发事业的发展,新发现气田埋深逐年创下新高,天然气组分和性质也越来越复杂。西部某高温高压气田处理厂脱水时,在低温分离器中有固相析出,堵塞分离器元件,造成低温分离器两端压差增大。建立天然气中固相析出测试方法,测定天然气中固相的析出温度,模拟天然气中气、液、固三相平衡,得到天然气在不同温度、压力下气相、液相、固相分布规律。固相析出点实验测试结果可为天然气处理厂工艺改造提供可靠的数据支持和理论依据,也可为类似天然气处理厂工艺设计提供参考。
With the development of natural gas exploration and development, the depth of the newly discovered gas field is increasing year by year, and the composition of nature gas are becoming more and more complex.During the dehydration process of a high temperature and high pressure gas field in Western China, there is solid precipitation in the cryogenic separator, which blocks the components of the separator, resulting in the increase of the pressure difference between the two ends of the cryogenic separator.An experimental method of solid phase precipitation in natural gas is established to determine the precipitation temperature of the solid in the natural gas.Regularities ofgas phase, liquid phase and solid statedistributionunder different temperatures and pressures have been obtained by simulating gas, liquid and solid equilibrium in natural gas. It can provide reliable data support and theoretical basis for process modification of natural gas treatment plant, and also provide reference for process design of similar natural gas treatment plant.