Analysis on Common Troubles in Centrifugal Compressor Dry Gas Seal System
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- 引用格式:
Yang Ye, Qu Jianru.Analysis on Common Troubles in Centrifugal Compressor Dry Gas Seal System[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2015,33(3):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 杨烨1 渠建儒2
Yang Ye, Qu Jianru
- 作者单位:
- 1.中国石化江汉油田分公司江汉采油厂湖北新捷LNG项目部,2.内蒙古西部天然气股份有限公司
Hubei Xinjie LNG Project Department, Jianghan Oil Product ion Plant, SINOPEC Jianghan Oilfield Company,
- 关键词:
- 干气密封;操作维护;密封气;泄漏;气膜
Dry gas seal; Operation and maintenance; Seal gas; Leakage; Gas film
- 摘要:
- 干气密封系统的稳定是离心压缩机正常运行的基本保障。为了优化离心式压缩机干气密封系统工况,防止误操作,提升干气密封系统稳定性,结合干气密封原理、供应气类别及其密封系统内部结构,对干气密封系统的常见故障和维护特点进行分析。研究得出:保证进气质量、控制好密封气的压差、严格进行日常巡检维护是干气密封系统稳定运行的基本要素,应充分重视系统报警和现场仪器仪表异常,严防因仪表故障和人为操作因素引起的联锁停机。
Stabilization of dry gas seal system is one of the basic guarantees for normal operation of centrifugal compressor. In order to optimize dry gas seal system conditions of centrifugal compressor, prevent misoperation and improve the dry gas seal system stability, in combination with the principle of dry gas sealing, supply gas categories and seal body structures, common faults and maintenance characteristics are studied and analyzed in normal and special working conditions. The results show that high quality feed gas, proper differential pressure of sealing gas and strict routing inspection and daily maintenance are basic elements for assuring stable operation of dry gas seal system. More attention shall be paid to alarm system and field instrument anomaly so as to take strict precautions against interlocking and the shutdown caused by instrument failure and artificial operation factors.