Analysis on LNG Unloading Arm Leakage Hazard and Site Disposal
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- 引用格式:
Chen Linbin, Shui Mingxing, Ye Yaohui.Analysis on LNG Unloading Arm Leakage Hazard and Site Disposal[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2015,33(3):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 陈林斌 水明星 叶耀辉
Chen Linbin, Shui Mingxing, Ye Yaohui
- 作者单位:
- 中石油京唐液化天然气有限公司
PetroChina Beijing-Tangshan LNG Co., Ltd.,
- 关键词:
- LNG;卸料臂;泄漏;危害分析;处置方案
LNG;Unloading arm leakage; Hazard analysis; Disposal concept
- 摘要:
- 为了防止LNG卸料臂泄漏导致火灾及爆炸的发生,须研究出切实可行的应急方案。基于对LNG卸料臂泄漏到地面和海面后物理性质变化的分析,以及在切断泄漏源后泄漏量的计算,得出在短时间内泄漏量达到3243 kg时潜在危害极大的结论。明确提出LNG卸料臂泄漏的应急措施:判断泄漏量,及时进行工艺隔离,切断泄漏源,控制LNG挥发,降低蒸发气浓度;为防止泄漏的发生,必须严格执行卸船准备工作,并在条件允许的情况下进行卸船。
In order to take quick and effective measures for preventing fire and explosion caused by unloading arm leakage, feasible contingency plan must be developed. Conducted is analysis on the change of physical characters of LNG which leaks into the ground and sea and calculated is leakage amount after leak source is cut off the results show that the leakage amount may reach up to 324.3kg in a short time and the potential harm is extremely great. Such contingency measures for unloading arm leakage are clearly put forward as judging the leakage amount, conducting process isolation rapidly, cutting off the leakage source, controlling LNG volatile and reducing LNG concentration. In order to prevent leakage during LNG unloading, unloading preparation and procedure must be strictly followed and unloading operation shall be implemented in absolutely safe conditions.