The Effect of Interfacial Characteristics on the Stability of Produced Liquid of Oil Displacement Agent
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- 引用格式:
Zhang Xinyu, Fang Jianyu.The Effect of Interfacial Characteristics on the Stability of Produced Liquid of Oil Displacement Agent[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2017,35(5):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 张新宇1 房建宇2
Zhang Xinyu1, Fang Jianyu2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 东北石油大学石油工程学院,2. 中国石油长庆油田分公司第二采气厂
1. Northeast Petroleum University, 2.Second Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield Branch Company
- 关键词:
- 界面特性;三元复合驱;稳定性
Interface characteristics; Three element composite flooding; Stability
- 摘要:
According to the three element compound different oil displacement agent issues affect on the stability of liquid production, the effect of different oil displacement agents on the three element composite flooding emulsion stability are studied through indoor demulsification and oil-water interfacial tension and zeta potential and viscosity parameters. The results show that the single alkali and surfactant can reduce the interfacial tension, increase the zeta potential, and the dehydration rate reduced, stability enhanced; polymer is to mainly increase the zeta potential and viscosity to decrease dehydration rate and increase stability; when a variety of oil displacement agents exist, the emulsion composition becomes complex and emulsification becomes serious, emulsion liquid is more stable.