Pilot Experiment on High Concentration Gasfield Wastewater Pretreatment Process
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周,宁,何,化.高浓度气田生产废水预处理工艺中试研究 [J].天然气与石油,2018,36(1):0.doi:
Zhou Ning, He Hua.Pilot Experiment on High Concentration Gasfield Wastewater Pretreatment Process[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2018,36(1):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 周 宁 何 化
Zhou Ning, He Hua
- 作者单位:
- 中国石油工程建设有限公司西南分公司
China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corp. Southwest Company
- 关键词:
- 高浓度气田废水;废水处理;物化预处理
High concentration gasfield wastewater; Wastewater treatment; Physical and chemical pre-treatment
- 摘要:
针对气田生产废水高浓度CODcr、油类和高分子有机物处理困难等问题,研制了一套适合天然气行业高浓度气田生产废水预处理工艺,并进行了中试研究。通过考察氧化及沉淀药剂投加量、反应时间、反应温度三种因素以及多工况组合测试,找出了合理的控制参数,证明“催化氧化-絮凝沉淀”预处理工艺在物化处理阶段能有效降解废水中的高分子有机物,使CODcr脱除率稳定在30 以上,废水可生化性B/C值从0.14提高到0.46。“催化氧化-絮凝沉淀”预处理工艺为后续生化处理创造了条件。
In view of theissuesofdifficult treatment ofhigh concentration CODcr, oil and polymer organic matter in gas field wastewater, a set of pretreatment process for high concentration gas field wastewater was developed, and pilot-scale study was carried out. The reasonable control parameters were found out by investigating oxidation and precipitation reagent dosage, reaction time, reaction temperature and multi-condition combination test.It was proved that the pretreatment process of “catalytic oxidation - flocculation precipitation"could effectively degrade thepolymerorganics in wastewater during physicochemical treatment, which stabilized removal rate of CODcr above 30% and increased waste water biodegradability B/C from 0.14 to 0.46.The pretreatment process of “catalytic oxidation - flocculation precipitation" creates conditions for subsequent biochemical treatment.