Research and Application of Connecting Technology of High Pressure Dynamic Hose for Complex Displacement Christmas Tree
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- 引用格式:
Liu Ping, Wang Fengjun.Research and Application of Connecting Technology of High Pressure Dynamic Hose for Complex Displacement Christmas Tree[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2018,36(4):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 刘 平1 王逢军2
Liu Ping1, Wang Fengjun2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 中海石油(中国)有限公司上海分公司,2. 海洋石油工程股份有限公司设计公司
1. CNOOC China Ltd. Shanghai Branch, Shanghai, 200335, China 2. Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. Design Company
- 关键词:
- 钻井平台;高压动态软管;软管路由;应力校核
Jack-up drilling platform; High-pressure dynamic hose; Hose routing; Stress checking
- 摘要:
- 为化解东海某项目自升式钻井平台改造为生产流程平台过程中可能产生的巨大风险,通过研究优选了改造方案,开展了软管路由、长度和固定方案优化设计,设计中采用“反校核”方法弥补了采油树位移基础数据不足的问题。高压动态软管与工艺管线回接的首次成功应用,较好地解决了因风、浪、流和立管内外温差造成钻井平台采油树不同方向的大幅度复杂位移问题,为类似移动钻井设施生产功能转换提供了借鉴。
In order to solve the huge risk that a jack-up drilling platform was transformed into a production platform in the East China Sea, the transformation scheme is optimized through research. The optimization design for the hose routing, length and fixed scheme were carried out. The "counter-checking" method was used to make up the issue of insufficient basic data in the design. The successful application of the high-pressure dynamic hose’s connection to the process pipeline for the first time solved the issue of large and complex displacement in different directions of tree in the drilling platform due to wind, wave, flow and hydrocarbon flow temperature, and provided reference for the conversion of production function of similar offshore mobile drilling facilities.