Study on Reasonable Productivity of Horizontal Wells in Reservoirs with Bottom Water of Bohai Oilfield
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- 引用格式:
Long Ming, He Xinrong, Wang Meinan, Yang Lei, Ouyang Yuwei.Study on Reasonable Productivity of Horizontal Wells in Reservoirs with Bottom Water of Bohai Oilfield[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2018,36(4):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 龙 明 何新容 王美楠 杨 磊 欧阳雨薇
Long Ming, He Xinrong, Wang Meinan, Yang Lei, Ouyang Yuwei
- 作者单位:
- 中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司渤海石油研究院
Research Institute of Bohai Petroleum, Tianjin Branch of CNOOC Limited
- 关键词:
- 渤海;底水油藏;水平井产能;泄油区域;渗流阻力
Bohai sea; Bottom water reservoir;Productivity of horizontal well; Drainage area; Seepage flow resistance
- 摘要:
- 针对底水油藏水平井计算产能与实际产能差异较大这个问题,以渗流特征为基础,应用物理模拟方法重新研究了水平井在地层中的渗流状况,提出了新的水平井泄油区域。利用等值渗流阻力原理推导了底水油藏水平井产能公式,确定了底水油藏水平井距顶高度对产能的影响。应用新公式对渤海Q油田新投产的水平井进行验证。新公式根据油田实际参数计算的生产压差与现场测试结果较为接近,其结果符合度较高,平均误差小于10 。因此,认为所推公式可靠,具有较强的适用性。根据新公式计算的水平井产能较为合理,为油田水平井产能预测及合理配产提供了理论支撑。
Based on seepage characteristics, the seepage flow status of horizontal wells in formation is simulated by applying physical methods. This paper proposes a new drainage area in a horizontal well. A new productivity equation for horizontal wells is derived with the equivalent seepage flow resistance principle. The new productivity equation can determine the influence of the distance from the top level of the horizontal well for bottom water reservoir on well productivity and is applied to validate the new horizontal wells in Bohai oilfield Q. With the actual parameters of the oilfield, the production differential pressure calculated by the new formula is close to the field test results.The results are in high conformity, withaverage error of less than 10%. Therefore, the new formula is reliable and of strong applicability. The horizontal well production capacity based on the new formula is relatively reasonable, which provides theoretical supports for the prediction of oilfield horizontal well productivity.