Discussion on Innovative Design in Zhongwei- Guiyang Gas Pipeline Project
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- 引用格式:
.Discussion on Innovative Design in Zhongwei- Guiyang Gas Pipeline Project[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2010,28(5):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 向 波1,陈 静1,杨 帆1,向熠星2
- 作者单位:
- 1.中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司西南分公司 2.西南石油大学
- 关键词:
- 并行敷设管道;输气工艺;创新设计
Pipelines laid in parallel;Gas transportation technology;Innovative design
- 摘要:
- 中卫—贵阳输气管道是中国石油正在设计建设的又一骨干管道,管道从北向南将通过秦岭和大娄山区,与西气东输二线、兰成原油管道、兰成渝成品油管道、中缅原油管道并行敷设。中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司西南分公司在承担初步设计过程中,牢记设计龙头责任,在并行管道敷设、复杂山区输气管道的工艺设计中创新设计思路和优化设计方法,合理处理了不同类型油气管道并行敷设的相关难题;突破传统布站方式的束缚,优化了复杂山区段的压气站布局,方便了大型站场的建设和运行管理。研讨了并行敷设油气管道线路、山区输气管道工艺优化设计的做法,其创新的设计思路和优化方法可为类似工程的设计建设提供借鉴。
Zhongwei-Guiyang Gas Pipeline is another backbone pipeline under design and construction by PetroChina, which will go from north to south and pass Qinling and Dalou Mountains, laid in parallel with "West-East Gas Pipeline 2", Lanzhou- Chengdu Crude Oil Pipeline, Lanzhou- Chengdu -Chongqing Product Oil Pipeline and China- Myanmar Crude Oil Pipeline. China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. Southwest Company (CPE Southwest for short), which undertook the preliminary design of the project, kept her responsibility in mind always, innovated design ideas and optimized design methods in process design of the gas pipelines in parallel passing complex mountainous areas and solved problems never occurring in similar engineering design.CPE Southwest broke traditional constraints and optimized gas compressor station arrangement in complex mountainous areas, which provides convenience for operation and management of large-scale stations.Introduced is optimization design practice in process design of the gas pipelines in parallel passing complex mountainous areas, in which innovative design ideas and optimization methods can provide useful reference for similar projects.