Design and Optimization of Oil Pipeline Leakage Detection System
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- 引用格式:
.Design and Optimization of Oil Pipeline Leakage Detection System[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2010,28(5):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 雷 超
- 作者单位:
- 中国石化集团河南油田设计院
- 关键词:
- 输油管道;泄漏检测;负压波;时钟校准
Oil pipeline;Leakage detection;Negative pressure wave;Clock calibration
- 摘要:
- 随着管龄的增长,由于老化、腐蚀以及打孔盗油等原因造成的泄漏事故时有发生,如何及时发现并准确定位,成为管道泄漏技术研究的难点。根据以往设计经验,结合某输油管道实际运行情况,提出了以“负压波法为基础,结合人工智能分析法”来检测管道泄漏的设计方案、系统组成。针对生产过程中比较突出的时钟校准问题进行阐述,提出以GPS授时技术作为标准时间源的方法来统一各子站计算机的基准时间,从而实现各子站与中心站的时钟同步,收到良好效果。
Along with the growth of pipeline operation time, leakage accidents often occur due to its degradation, corrosion and slotting for stealing oil. So it is critical to find accurately and repair as soon as possible leakage points for ensuring that pipeline operates properly. Based on design experience and oil pipeline operation situation, design option is put forward for detecting pipeline leakage systematically, in which negative pressure wave is based and artificial intelligence analysis method is adopted. Described is clock calibration in production process, GPS clock technology is taken for standard time source to unify computer benchmark time at each station in order to realize clock synchronization between central station and other stations and good effect is obtained.