Experimental Study on Mixed Fuel of Methanol gasoline
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- 引用格式:
.Experimental Study on Mixed Fuel of Methanol gasoline[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2010,28(5):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 张希兵
- 作者单位:
- 中国石油塔里木油田公司塔西南石化厂
- 关键词:
- 甲醇汽油燃料;质量分析;水含量;行车性能
Methanol gasoline fuel;Quality analysis;Water content;Driving performance
- 摘要:
- 为了进一步加强产品研发力度和拓宽产品结构,以中国石油塔里木油田公司塔西南石化厂生产的调和汽油为基础油,在实验室对M10、M15和M20三种甲醇汽油燃料进行质量分析,讨论了微量水对甲醇—汽油燃料储存性能的影响。对添加甲醇的车用汽油进行了行车试验,测定了百公里油耗、加速性能和尾气中HC和CO含量。研究表明:控制甲醇中杂质含量,M10、M15和M20甲醇汽油产品质量符合国家标准,微量水存在并不影响甲醇汽油的储存性能和行车安全。90#M10和90#M20两种甲醇汽油燃料质量好,作为燃料百公里油耗低、加速性能好且尾气排放HC和CO含量小,能减轻对环境的污染。
In order to further strengthen product development and broaden product structure, blended gasoline produced in this plant is taken for basic research object, quality analysis is made on such methanol gasoline fuel as M10, M15 and M20 inthe laboratory and discussed are effects of trace amount water on methanol gasoline fuel. Driving test is made by using vehicle gasoline with methanol,gasoline consumption per100kmand acceleration performance are measured and HC and CO content in tail gas are obtained. Research results show that impurity content in methanol is controlled, M10, M15 and M20 methanol gasoline quality meets the national standards and trace amount water existing in methanol gasoline fuel has no effect on methanol gasoline storage properties and driving safety. 90#M10 and 90#M20 methanol gasoline fuels have good quality, low consumption per100km, good acceleration performance and less HC and CO content in tail gas, which can reduce environment pollution.