Preparation of Soil and Water Conservation Plans in Oil and Natural Gas Industry
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- 引用格式:
.Preparation of Soil and Water Conservation Plans in Oil and Natural Gas Industry[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2010,28(5):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 李 宇1,范 军2,刘 静1,张永红1
- 作者单位:
- 1.中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司西南分公司2.中国石油西南油气田分公司
- 关键词:
- 石油天然气;水土保持方案;线形工程;防治目标
Oil and natural gas; Water and soil conservation plan; Linear engineering; Control objective
- 摘要:
- 我国石油天然气开发进入快速发展时期,大规模的开发建设将引发严重水土流失,这对水土保持方案编制工作提出了更高要求。水土保持方案编制过程中措施设计要因地制宜、因害设防,适度改变微地貌,山丘区增加工程措施提高设计水平;油气管线工程防治目标中林草覆盖率、拦渣率应根据项目区实际情况来确定;水保措施设计深度应根据主体工程设计深度并结合工程实际经验来确定,从而减少误差,提高设计水平。
Large scale oil and natural gas field development will cause serious loss of soil and water, so it is necessary to prepare and implement efficient soil and water conservation plans in order to prevent loss of soil and water. Summarized are experiences in soil and water conservation plans preparation in the existing oil and natural gas field development projects, which has important reference value for soil and water conservation plans preparation of future oil and natural gas field development projects.