Application of Vacuum Drying Technology in Natural Gas lnstation Pipeline Network
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- 引用格式:
Wang Xiaofeng, Wen Xiaoyong, Zha Guangping, Zhang Xiaopeng.Application of Vacuum Drying Technology in Natural Gas lnstation Pipeline Network[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2015,33(6):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 王晓峰1 温晓勇1 查广平1 张晓鹏2
Wang Xiaofeng, Wen Xiaoyong, Zha Guangping, Zhang Xiaopeng
- 作者单位:
- 1.西安长庆科技工程有限责任公司,2.长庆油田分公司技术监测中心
1. Xi' an Changqing Technology Engineering Co., Ltd.,2.Technical Monitoring Center, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company
- 关键词:
- 天然气;场站;工艺管网;真空干燥
Natural gas; Compressor station; Process pipe network; Vacuum drying
- 摘要:
- 为解决管网采用常规干空气干燥方法出现的管网盲端、死角干燥不彻底,干燥后露点多次反弹等问题,改进采用真空干燥技术。陕京管线榆林首站工程,工艺管网在吹扫后采用真空干燥技术取得良好效果,通过对参数整理并绘制干燥系统压力-时间曲线,结合操作过程对干燥效果进行分析,系统地阐述了真空干燥技术的干燥原理、施工流程、干燥效果及施工控制要点。为真空干燥技术在站场施工中的进一步推广应用提供参考。
In order to solve the problem that blind ends and corners of pipeline network cannot be dried completely by using conventional dry air and dew point repeatedly rebounds after drying, improved is the drying process and adopted is the vacuum drying technology for drying pipeline network. In Yulin Gas Compressor Station of Shaanxi-Beijing Gas Pipeline, the vacuum drying technology plays a very important role in instation pipeline network drying. Collected are some important process parameters of pipeline network drying, drawn are pressure-time curves of the drying system, analyzed is the drying effect in combination with the drying process and systematically expounded are the working principle, construction process, drying effect and construction control key points of the vacuum drying technology, which will provide theorial and technical supports for further popularization and application of the vacuum drying technology in compressor station pipeline network drying.