Control on Hidden Hazards in Sealing System of External Floating Roof Tank
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- 引用格式:
Shen Hong, Ren Jianhong.Control on Hidden Hazards in Sealing System of External Floating Roof Tank[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2015,33(6):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 沈 洪1 任建红2
Shen Hong, Ren Jianhong
- 作者单位:
- 1.中国石油冀东油田公司,2.中国石化石油勘探开发研究院
1.PetroChina Jidong Oilfield Company;2.SINOPEC Oil Exploration and Development Research Institute
- 关键词:
- 外浮顶罐;弹性密封;惰性气体囊
External floating roof tank; Resilient seal; Inert gas sac
- 摘要:
- 外浮顶油罐密封系统普遍采用一次密封(常用弹性密封)加二次密封的结构形式,在一、二次密封之间存在可燃气体,雷击时极有可能发生火灾爆炸。为了防治外浮顶油罐在雷击或雷电感应情况下罐顶起火事故的发生,通过改造现有密封结构形式,取消导静电片并增加等电位连接线、利用惰性气体囊填充密封间气体空间或替换一次密封来达到目的。优化外浮顶油罐密封系统结构形式对外浮顶油罐密封系统隐患治理意义重大。
In order to prevent fire accidents from occurring in the case of external floating roof tank exposed to a lightning strike or thunder and lightning induction, it is necessary to adopt a structure which can prevent thunder and lightning strike in external floating roof tank sealing system. Analyzed is the sealing structure of external floating roof tank, it is found that tranditional external floating roof tanks have such a sealing structure as primary seal (elastomer seal) and secondary seal and combustible gas exists between the primary and secondary seals, which will have high probability of fire and explosion in case of a lightning strike. For this reason, it is very necessary to optimize and improve the sealing structure of tranditional external floating roof tank. Through reforming the existing seal structure, canceled is the conducting electrostatic piece, added is the equiptential bounding conductor and used is the inert gas capsule to fill the interspace between the primary and secondary seals and space in the floating tray. The improvement of the sealing system in external floating roof tank can effeciently control some potential safety hazard.