Technical Progress of Shale Gas Produced Water Contamination and Treatment
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- 引用格式:
Lu Zhengguang, Gao Peng, Ma Chenbo, Han Shanpeng, Wang Kun, Zhang Wenbo.Technical Progress of Shale Gas Produced Water Contamination and Treatment[J].Natural Gas and Oil,2015,33(6):0.doi:
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 陆争光1 高 鹏2 马晨波1 韩善鹏1 王 坤1 张文博2
Lu Zhengguang, Gao Peng, Ma Chenbo, Han Shanpeng, Wang Kun, Zhang Wenbo
- 作者单位:
- 1.中国石油大学(北京)油气管道输送安全国家工程实验室/城市油气输配技术北京市重点实验室, 2.中国石油天然气股份有限公司规划总院
1.National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety I Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology, China University of Petroleum;2.PetroChina Planning & Engineering Institute
- 关键词:
- 页岩气;采出水;水质特点;水污染;脱盐
Shale gas; Produced water; Water quality; Water contamination; Desalination
- 摘要:
- 页岩气已经成为全球油气资源开发的新亮点,其开采过程中会产生大量采出水,处理难度大,可能导致比较严重的水污染问题。首先基于国内外页岩气采出水水质指标,分析了页岩气采出水的主要组成特点,即组成复杂、“三高”、水质指标波动范围较大且大大超过了国内外污水回用标准;从水体污染通道、污染种类两方面,介绍了页岩气开采过程中导致的地下水、地表水污染;深入讨论了页岩气采出水采用的“一级预处理、二级软化、三级脱盐”处理工艺技术,评估了各种水处理技术的优缺点,指出我国页岩气采出水处理存在的问题并提出相应建议。该研究有利于页岩气采出水处理技术的选择和发展。
Shale gas development has gradually attracted attention all over the world. A large amount of produced water will be produced during shale gas exploration, which is difficult to be treated and may result serious water contamination. Analyzed are such composition characteristics of produced water according to produced water quality indexes at home and abroad as complex composition, high COD, high TSS and high TDS, large fluctuation range of water quality indexes and greatly higher than waste water recycling standards at home and abroad. Introduced is contamination of produced water on underground water and surface water in shale gas drilling from such aspect as water pollution channel and pollution way. Discussed deeply is the treatment technology of such three steps as "Pretreatment, Softening and Desalination" , evaluated are advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of water treatment technologies, analyzed are problems existing in produced water treatment during shale gas development and put forward are some suggestions, which will be conducive to selection and development of shale gas produced water treatment technologies.